Our 3rd Annual Race to Camp was a success! We're delighted to have raised $4,250!
Many thanks to our sponsors, Njord and Active Passion Coffee. HOKA graciously donated gifts and giveaways at our fun run. We are grateful for our runners and supporters. Your commitment will underwrite the costs to send 17 LEADers to camp this summer.
LEAD is a consistent presence in the lives of students. As our school based program concludes, we are excited for our summer camp adventures to begin!
At Camp LEAD, youth will gain new skills and engage in community building. Our program guides LEADers to discover their strengths, build connection, and appreciate commonalities and differences.
There is great fun in store! Adventures include canoeing, archery, rock climbing, zipline, and more!
It's not too late for you to make a difference. It only costs $250 to send a child to Camp LEAD. Every dollar counts. Will you consider making a gift today?
LEAD prepares youth for success by providing life skills and exposure to new opportunities.
We inspire vision, empathy, and tenacity.
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