We welcomed a new cohort of LEADers this year!!
6th graders from Mickey Leland and YES Prep Southside joined the LEAD community. Our youth have expressed feelings of boredom, loneliness, lack of motivation, and things still feel weird. Many of our 6th graders are attending a new school that they have never stepped foot inside!
The LEAD team heard our youth, and we empathized with them. Weekly lessons have been tailored to respond to current needs of our LEADers.
“Pandemic conditions are at cross currents with normal adolescent development,”
-Lisa Damour, Ph.D, clinical psychologist
Even during crisis, LEAD provides a safe environment and the essential building blocks to continue adolescent development. We are hearing more laughter and seeing more joy in both our weekly classes and Saturday sessions. The LEADers are engaging, and we will continue to grow.
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