Thank you for making a difference!
Please submit this form and your payment by July 31, 2023. Forms and checks can be mailed to the address below or emailed to [email protected]. If you prefer, an ACH payment option is available.
Genius: $25,000
- 2 tables with teams of 6 players at each table - a total of 12 guests
- 2 trivia questions or fun facts about your business/passion included during the event
- Logo on the t-shirts of our student LEADers
- Naming rights at the event (some options include: mobile photography with logo on image, or bar sponsor with a signature drink)
IMPACT: Your contribution could impact 20 students year round! Support a classroom with Social Emotional Learning and life skills during the school year, provide transportation for Saturday field trips to extend exposure, and send 20 students to Camp LEAD.
Whiz Kid: $15,000
- 1 table with a team of 6 players
- 1 trivia question or fun fact about your business/passion included during the event
- Logo on the t-shirts of our student LEADers
- Naming rights at the event (some options include: food, entertainment, or raffle sponsor)
IMPACT: Your contribution could support a classroom of 20 students with Social Emotional Learning and life skills during the school year and provide transportation for Saturday field trips that extend exposure.
Expert: $10,000
- 1 table with a team of 6 players
- Logo on the t-shirts of our student LEADers
- Naming rights at the event (some options include: venue, valet, or decor with trivia pens)
IMPACT: Your contribution could support a classroom of 20 students with Social Emotional Learning and life skills during the school year.
Wise One: $5,000
- 1 table with a team of 6 players
- Logo on t-shirts of our student LEADers
IMPACT: Your contribution could send 20 students to Camp LEAD or provide transportation for 10 field trips that expose student LEADers to life beyond their neighborhoods.
Lucky Guesser: $2,500
- 1 table with a team of 6 players
IMPACT: Your contribution could provide transportation for 5 field trips that expose student LEADers to life beyond their neighborhoods.
All sponsorship levels include acknowledgments on LEAD's website and social media platforms, recognition in our newsletter that is distributed to 2,500 community members, and name/logo listing displayed on promotional and event material. The selection of naming rights will be honored when contributions are received. LEAD is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible.
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